Deep State Consciousness

Come in Mr. Hyde
Here we examine Stevenson's tale of woe
Of Dr. Jekyll and his foe
The fiendish villain to which he was tide
His inner darkness: Mr. Hyde
When Jekyll drank his potion down
Hyde unleashed on London town
Unspeakable acts that would revolt
Murder was the end result
The moral of this tale is clear
Your own darkness do not go near
For it shall consume you too
Best stick to the righteous, good and true
But is it all as we've laid out
Or is there still some room for doubt?
When left unloved our shadow grows
Brought forth by no more than placebo
So don't suppress and don't push down
That upon which society frowns
Rather bring the darkness to the light
And seek the meaning of the night
Then Jekyll's fate need not be yours
As Hyde will surely shed his claws
So when you meet your own Mr. Hyde
Treat him gentle and bid him—come inside
The Ogre
He huffs and he puffs
He rants and he raves
Better look out
Watch how you behave
He's an ogre you see
Not like you and me
He's vile and he's ugly
He shouts and he screams
The rules are just
Whatever he deems
He's an ogre you see
Not like you and me
But inside he's scared
He shouts every word
Fearing his voice won't even be heard
He knew an ogre you see
Just like you and me
He feels so much smaller
Than all those around
He tries to intimidate
Just to stand his ground
He knew an ogre you see
Just like you and me
When pointed out
He cannot believe
How anyone could possibly perceive
He's not the victim here!
As it sinks in
He's shocked to his core
Has he become the thing
He most did abhor?
That ogre you see
Is not really me!
When trampled upon
Our anger does grow
Festering away
Until one day it blows
The ogre we see
Has become you and me
But do not despair
Rather draw him near
The ogre protects
From all that you fear
This ogre you see
Is our own boundary
Brought back into balance
This once brutish boar
Senses himself
And bullies no more
We're all ogres you see
Trying to be free