Deep State Consciousness

The Mything Man
'Behold, God's son is come unto this land'
Not Jesus,
But Dionysus
By Euripides' hand
A virgin bride
Made pregnant by God none-other
Zeus' babe's own mother
Fisherman's friend
Catching 153
Pythagoras Reveals
His Vesica Piscis
Twelve abiding
Around the centre
As spheres kissing
Out from the venter
Teaching parables
Of Prodigal sons
But this one a tale
The Buddha spun
Riding Triumphant
Upon an ass
Inspiring Lucius
For his task
Thirty pieces
The price was paid
But this for Socrates
To be betrayed
Brought before a tyrant
Refusing to yield
King Pentheus angered
His fate was sealed
Bound to the cross
And left to be slain
Held fast by nails
Of pleasure and pain
A seamless garment
Torn asunder
Osiris' body
That Set did plunder
Death, resurrection
And bodily ascension
So many Gods
Have obeyed this convention
Did Jesus walk this earth in flesh?
Or deeper truths does his myth express?
The question upon which to chew:
What difference would it make to you?
An American Preacher in Ireland
Meeting a preacher on the streets of Galway
A young man, a Texan
In an effort to save me
He tells me his story
A rebel
A criminal
He lived life his own way
At least that's what he thought
Till the day came when he'd pay
Locked in a jail cell
A vision arises
The Devil's hands on his shoulders
He comes in so many guises
Shock and horror
He's not his own man!
Satan made him a puppet
And he fell for the scam!
He calls out to God
And is not disappointed
Receiving salvation
He joins the anointed
Tears in his eyes
He tells me the part
He still can't quite take in
But never-less healed his heart
'Impossible to believe
But hearing my plea
If I'd been the only person in the world
Jesus would have died just for me'
Gnostic or Orthodox
Whatever your side
There's something in this
That can't be denied
(Blue Eyed) Jesus Saves
God’s not Petty
Said the YouTube comment
He won’t insist on the ‘correct’ name
It went on
They were talking about Jesus
Or Iesous
As he was known
Not so long ago
Or Joshua
Or Yeshua
Prior to that
Call him what you will
Came the replies
The demons flee anyway
And it’s good to know
You don’t go to Hell
Just for getting the name wrong
Also the image in mind
Doesn’t have to be what he really looked like
For how could we know…
So it’s okay
To have a beautiful blue eye Italian Christ
In visions he may appear that way
So as not to confuse
Such is the goodness of his nature
As for the fate of the unlearned
And those virtuous pagans
Justin tells us living by the Logos is sufficient
It’s the way, truth and life that was before Abraham
We come to the Father through
But just to be clear
We are in no way Universalists!
No sir!
No way!
Only the Real
I used to believe in mathematics
Then I found out Sesame Street was fiction
The Count and the Number 9 just puppets
The Shawshank Redemption gave me hope
But I thought it was a documentary
Turns out Andy was made up Stephen
At least I still have salvation in Jesus
Everyone agrees he really lived
Therapy for The Devil
‘You people are from your father the devil, and you want to do what your father desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him. Whenever he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, because he is a liar and the father of lies.’
John 8:44
The central theological question is:
Is Satan truly evil,
Or just acting out his pain?
Could he come to heal his hurt,
Or would his efforts be in vain?
If he met his inner child
Would his hatred start to wain?
Would you trust him if he did
Or suspect a feign?
Could he find redemption
Or has God forever damned him in Hell to reign?
Why is it the central question?
Because it leads to the central question of psychology:
Is evil truly evil
Or is hurt in fact to blame?
This has been the question
Ever since the act of Cain
Are the worst amongst us
Simply acting out their pain?
Or are their souls just wicked
And irrevocably stained?
Which leads of course to the central question of self:
Is there that within me
For which I will ever be blamed?
Or is there hope of redemption
And freedom from these chains?
If I condemn even Satan
Then is it possible to claim?
My own sense of forgiveness
And freedom from my shame
If the latter is the case then an eternal lake of fire will probably only exacerbate the problem
If Christ has not been Raised
If Christ has not been raised
Our faith is all in vain
As empty as an empty tomb
If in flesh he never came
Tell Maximilianus
‘Go join the army!’
No point in dying
For a belief so barmy
Tell Wilberforce
‘Rechain those slaves!’
For he has risen
From no grave
Close the charities
Cast out the poor
Every man for himself
Absent our saviour
Our ethics and morals
Are all for naught
With his history
Cast in doubt
Leave that traveller
There to die
The Good Samaritan
Was but a lie!
Vice and sin
I will embrace
With the resurrection
Not in time or space
Abandon all hope!
Reject all grace!
If his life
Did not take place
As for the Jesus
Dwelling in my heart
A mere fantasy
He must depart!
Oh what a terrible thought
Enough to send us crazed
The loss of all Christianity brought
If Christ has not been raised